Expert, personal guidance every step of the way.

Legal Residency is my total focus.

30-minute FREE consultation.
All requests personally answered.

Expert, personal guidance every step of the way.

Legal Residency is my total focus.

30-minute FREE consultation.
All requests personally answered.

Laura Sontrop

Laura Gutierrez

Legal Residency / Citizenship Specialist
San Jose, Costa Rica


For 17 years, my total focus has remained on Residency and Citizenship.

I am fully committed to this area of legal practice and am not engaged in the distractions from other types of legal work.

Dealing with the finicky Department of Immigration demands undivided attention.


“After my own six-year immigration process in Canada, I know precisely how it feels to go through what you are about to embark upon.”

Laura's Signature

Legal Residency Categories Handled


Fixed Income

Fixed Income

Direct Relation



Digital Nomad


How it Works

Free Consultation. Determine eligibility and ideal category for which to apply.​

Signed agreement, initial deposit and full set of instructions for you to follow as to your part.

Document procurment.
(either on your own or
with assistance).

Applicaton preparation and submission for legal residency or for citizenship.

Government processing and approval of your application.

Post approval final three steps, and issuance of your residency card.

I remain personally by your side until you have that residency or citizenship card in your hand.

Serving clients from around the globe

Map of the World









UK (England, Scotland, Ireland)









































South Africa

South Africa





New Zealand

New Zealand























Beyond Platitudes

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Toll Free: 1-888-903-8986
Local: 506-706-6995

Why Choose Costa Rica?

Short Answer: Costa Rica provably contains the most desirable living environment among all Central and South American nations.

For a more comprehensive explanation

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FAQ header with parrot

Bookmark this page and refer to it often. (60 to 90 seconds to read).

Keep it bookmarked for frequent reference. A great contributor to enjoyable trips.

Yes. It needs to have at least 180 days time left on it. Ideally, renew your passport at least 9 months before traveling to Costa Rica so you know for certain it will not expire while here.

Not from first-world countries. They are automatically granted with most first-world country passports.

Read more here:

  • Current passport.
  • Your up-to-date residency card
  • Copy of your outward bound (return) ticket.
  • Proof of where you are staying. (Printout, not phone image).

Colones (CRC) and major credit cards are used for everyday transactions. However, USD cash can be easily converted, but best done only at major banks. (Prepare for long wait times.) Airport exchange rates are brutal, so avoid them. Always bring passport I.D. to banks.

Yes. But quality of response varies greatly by region.

Yes. Unlike Mexico, you need not worry about the drinking or bottled water here. Perfectly safe.

  • Lower your service expectations from both public, private, and commercial entities. The pace is w-a-y slower than what you are probably used to.
  • Expect and schedule for tardiness. Browbeating will never work. It is ingrained and widely accepted.
  • It is OK to call men Ticos and women Ticas.
  • Costa Ricans can be very intrusive when it comes to personal space or “keeping to the right.” Roll with it. They are not going to change or understand why it bugs you.
  • They generally abhor confrontation. So always try to be conciliatory even amid a trying moment. You will be glad you did moments later.
  • They love it loud and enthusiastic. That goes for background music that isn’t very “background”.
  • Never critique soccer. Ever!
  • Never ask: “So… how big is that island?”

I highly recommend bringing or purchasing surge protectors, especially during rainy seasons. (Lots of lightning). Printers should also be covered, especially in the more humid areas of Costa Rica.

If you want to use a cell phone in Costa Rica, you must bring an UNLOCKED cell phone and buy a SIM prepaid card at the ICE (the national telecommunications company) booth in the baggage section of the airport (or in a telephone company office in any city around the country). The unlocked cell phone must be a quad-band GSM or 3G handset or at least have an 850 or 1800 MHz band. Most US phones use 950 mHz. Motorola and Sony Ericcson are brands that have models with the right bands. At the airport ICE booth, you can ask for the different SIM prepaid cards they offer, and they will be inserted into your handset. Some of them will include internet access.

Bringing pets into Costa Rica is generally straightforward. But always check the latest regulations with your nearest Costa Rican Embassy website. Just know that Costa Ricans love their dogs, both as pets and as very effective security alarms.

When traveling to Costa Rica with your pets, bringing them on the same flight is best. This allows for easier clearance through customs, provided you have the necessary paperwork.

Dogs and cats entering Costa Rica must have a health certificate issued by a licensed veterinarian endorsed by a veterinarian service (VS) veterinarian. The certificate examination must be conducted within two weeks prior to traveling to Costa Rica. The required vaccinations are distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parvovirus, and rabies (for animals four months or older).

Failure to present the proper paperwork to Costa Rican customs officials could result in your pet being quarantined for observation, potentially for days or weeks. So, do a thorough job of preparing for the journey. Assume nothing. Arguing with a customs agent is like arguing with a baseball umpire.


Yes. So long as it is valid and in good condition. For more, please read my article on the subject here:

Yes. But double-check with your insurance provider or credit card company to verify your coverage.

Also, only rent from major franchises. Lousy rental experiences top the complaints list of visitors.

No. Notice the position of this seldom-asked question.

It is crucial that you write a will in Costa Rica before you begin investing in Costa Rican assets.

Also, if you die here in Costa Rica, without a Costa Rican will, it becomes a huge hassle to ship your remains home at a time when your loved ones are least capable of going through some legal battle.

No. U.S., Canada, and most other countries do not demand it.

Yes. If applying as a married couple or family, the main applicant’s qualifications cover the spouse and children if applicable. I will clarify at the outset of the process.


  • Spouse/husband (including same-sex).
  • Sons and daughters of one or the other, up to age twenty-five, (normally age 18) or older with a provable disability;
  • Parents with a dependent relationship.

It is advantageous to begin in your country of origin, as you will need to acquire most of the key documents from there. My service comes with precise instructions on the What, How, and Where of it all. Do not begin on your own. Overconfidence is a common cause of do-overs, added expense, and needless frustration. It is also possible to begin while in Costa Rica.

No. You will be allowed to stay in Costa Rica until your residency application is approved. This benefit now extends to the validity of foreign driver’s licenses. (Effective May 7, 2024). See may article on that subject here

Yes, as often as you wish. But you must plan to be here when your residency application is approved. There are steps to complete post-approval, and they can only be done in-country.


No. It is best to get married before the residency application submissions, either back home or here in Costa Rica. There is no legal downside, and there are definitely legal benefits over common law unions.

Currently: 12 to 15 months. But a recent government initiative was launched to clear 6,000 backlogged applications by August 2024. Watch for updated articles about this situation.

Odd question, but sometimes asked. The application for residency is not a rubber stamping operation. It is a very serious vetting process to determine if you are law-abiding and can financially support yourself as a resident of Costa Rica.

But the odds are very high you will be approved if I take on your case. I will not do so unless I am certain you will qualify, based on your specific particulars shared with me at the outset of the process and backed by the proper documentation.

If I do not think you qualify, I will tell you plainly during the initial consultation.

Temporary: Two years.

Permanent: Three to five years.

Up to the expiry date printed on your card—minus ONE day. But your CAJA monthly premiums must be kept current.

Yes. But you must prove your parents’ economic dependency on you – PLUS –  you can prove the ability to economically support them. It is a very infrequent occurrence.

Yes. But timing and proper coaching at the outset of your initial application are essential to avoid such a contingency.

BIG difference…

DIMEX – A.K.A. Residency Card

CEDULA – A.K.A. Citizenship or Naturalization Card.

  • Most commonly after three years of Temporary Residency
  • Applying with a first-degree Costa Rican family connection. Wife, husband, child under age 18.

Free of conditions such as employment or drawing an income from a business as an owner, manager, or employee. (But not the same privileges as Citizenship.)

Renewals are only done every three years and eventually every five years.

No. If done correctly through an ACTIVE corporation or direct ownership, it will qualify you for residency. But you must still apply. Also, there are often simple ways to qualify. I review those simpler options with you during the initial consultation.

Not necessarily. And not a requirement. But at some point, for various reasons, you will be required to show income flows into your Costa Rica bank account. Lump sum transfers negate frequent costly transfer fees.

The Costa Rican bank begins dispensing the USD 2.5K/Month in the month you are issued your DIMEX (residency card) until it is depleted.

That is why getting that proof of income letter from a financial institution in your country of origin is the preferred option. I will guide you on how to accomplish that. (It can be difficult for some.)

Yes. I will advise you on which banks to deal with and which to avoid, as well as the basics of what each bank requires of you.

  • Ask me.
  • The most reliable method for finding a reputable real estate agent in Costa Rica is to seek recommendations from ex-pats who have had positive local experiences. Most are enthusiastic about sharing their insights and recommendations on various online forums.
  • It’s important to note that real estate agents in Costa Rica are not required to hold a license, resulting in a wide variation in the quality of services offered. While some agents may be affiliated with the voluntary association known as the Costa Rican Board of Realtors, the most effective approach is to rely on word of mouth and thorough reference checks.
  • To ensure a successful property purchase, consider working with a real estate agent who has lived in Costa Rica for several years and has extensive knowledge of the specific area where you intend to purchase property. Their local expertise and experience can greatly benefit you throughout the buying process.

Yes. Quite a number are scattered throughout the country and operate on the North American school calendar and curriculums, but they include Spanish immersion—a great combination that significantly expands future employment options for your children. A huge deal.

Additionally, there are specialized institutions such as the British School (Colegio Británico), which caters to students from the UK, and the Humboldt German School, which offers education in the German language. These schools provide options for expatriate families seeking educational opportunities tailored to their cultural and linguistic backgrounds.


American International School Pre-K – 12  website:


Blue Valley School Pre-K – 12  website:


British School Pre-K –12  website: British School of Costa Rica


Country Day School Pre-K – 12 website:


European School Pre-K – 12


Lighthouse School K-12  website:


Humboldt School Pre-K – 12  website


International Christian School Pre-K – 12  website:


Lincoln School Pre-K – 12


Marian Baker  website:


Pan American School Pre-K- 11  website:


Unlike the U.S., Costa Rica has the same universal healthcare as Canada and EU countries. Once approved for residency, you must immediately enroll in CAJA (Kah—Hah), which offers full medical coverage with no pre-existing conditions.

During the CAJA enrollment process, you will be assessed monthly premiums you must keep current as a boilerplate requirement to maintain your legal residency status. Monthly premiums are calculated through means testing. (Based on your monthly income reported to the Department of Immigration when you applied for residency).

I will review this in detail at the outset of your process so you are crystal clear.

Yes and no.

While the doctors, procedures, and medicines are on par with those of first-world countries of origin and, in some cases, superior, the facilities leave much to be desired.

Famous quote from one of my recent clients:

“Well, Laura, I’d sooner have a good doctor in an ugly hospital than a lousy doctor in a Taj Mahal facility.”

That about sums it up.

Absolutely. You would do the same on any out-of-state/country travel occasion. This can be costly, but nothing compared to the massive bill you will receive from CAJA in the event of a medical emergency.

FYI: Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid from the U.S. do not provide coverage here. The same applies to other country medical plans. Always check with them before coming to Costa Rica.

See my comprehensive article here:

Go to:

Main benefits:

  • Opt out of CAJA.
  • Costa Rican passport.
  • A cedula (Citizenship Card) is taken more seriously.
  • Feeling like you are part of the country.
  • Reminder: You do not have to relinquish your previous citizenship.


Applications are simpler than residency applications. In most cases, they are approved in less time than residency applications. Currently, it takes 12 to 14 months for approvals.

Yes. Our version of the IRS or Revenue Canada is called Hacienda. Fear that name.

Good and bad.

No tax on income earned offshore.

Property taxes on values under USD 200K.

13% goods and services tax.

Anything from the First World is imported with heavy taxes and duties. Examples include imported vehicles, electronics, and processed and packaged foods (that you are better off without).

Yes and No.

It can be if you eat local, unprocessed foods. Gas is more as is the cost of real estate in an upscale venue. Medicines are cheaper.

It mostly depends on how much you want to replicate your lived experience in the U.S. or Canada.

Yes. But likely not a good idea. It is a huge subject with a lot of misunderstanding. Please see my comprehensive article here:


Yes, you certainly can. You can register a business and function as an officer of such a firm as long as you are not on the payroll. There are new exceptions. See my article on the subject here:

Short and blunt answer: Don’t.  Hell hath no fury like disgruntled fired help.

They can and will often lodge a complaint against you if you part company. Highly likely.

Next visitor at your door? Labor Department. You absolutely do not want that encounter.

Generally, your meal tab will already include a 10% gratuity. Ticos are stingy tippers; this is the only way servers stand a chance at any tip. But generally, if you were well served, add a bit of cash to top things up to at least 15 to 20%.

Baggage handlers should receive at least USD 2 (CRC 1,000) per bag as a base rule.

The grocery clerk who carts your groceries to your vehicle should receive no less than USD $2 (CRC 1,000).

And those self-appointed parking guards, even though they may have provided no security, should receive CRC 500 to 1,000. They need it way more than you do. Be generous.

Avoid “donations” on the roadsides unless it is a very obvious nonthreat. Give to the poor when safe to do so. Just use common sense.

When in doubt, don’t.

Use the common sense you would employ in any major U.S. or Canadian urban center or tourist area. Hide the contents of your car. Avoid flashing cash in public. Just like in your country of origin, sketchy areas are obvious, and you need to up your security habits when traveling through them. Keep your doors locked at all times when in transit and parked. Plan your in-country trips here around careful security logistics. Daytime is obviously better than nighttime. Being careful and focused will ensure consistently enjoyable and safe times here. Eyes wide open at all times.

Yes. About as consistent as any mid-western state. Better in some areas. Not so good in others. But overall, Costa Rica is well covered.

Definitely. By a wide margin. Many of the same products are packaged with different brand names. You can cross-refer online.

Department of Immigration (DGME) Frequent Questions

The DIMEX is the immigration identity card awarded to foreigners who successfully qualify for legal residency. It has twelve digits and grants entrance to various education, financial, and health services in the country. It will also grant entry into the country through the much shorter “Citizens” line at San Jose and Liberia airports and negate the need for a return ticket when checking into flights to Costa Rica.

Your residency application package requires a fundamental document. It must be a recent authentic copy from your country of origin, authenticated as per my instructions.

Your application will be delayed or canceled after a certain length of time.

DGME staff serve as official “witnesses”. This is in lieu of having the documents notarized. Normally, the only documents involved are Power of Attorney. Any other documents requiring a notary are normally already notarized and Apostilled or officially authenticated.

This is the only way to ensure the DGME has your correct information on hand as a means to communicate directly with you. Correct email address, Costa Rican phone number, and address are common sense essentials.

Just advise me of things like replacement passports, phone numbers, and address changes. I will handle it with the DGME if needed.

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Shawna and Kelly Collins
Monroe NC/Nandayure Guanacaste Costa Rica

From the outset of our journey towards obtaining permanent residency in Costa Rica, Laura Gutierrez has been an indispensable guide and advocate. Her expertise, professionalism, and dedication have made the process smoother than anticipated and instilled in us a sense of security and confidence in navigating the complexities of immigration law.

Laura’s approach is thorough and personalized. She took the time to understand our unique circumstances, answered all our questions patiently and clearly, and kept us informed at every step. Her diligence in handling our case has been remarkable. She ensured that all paperwork was meticulously prepared and submitted and that potential issues were proactively addressed.

Moreover, Laura’s warmth and genuine care for our well-being have genuinely set her apart. She excels in her field and truly values the impact of her work on her clients’ lives. We are deeply grateful for her support and highly recommend her services to anyone looking to navigate the residency process in Costa Rica.

Thank you, Laura; your hard work and dedication are greatly appreciated!

Jeff Dawson & Helen Rivers-Moore
Atenas, Costa Rica

After five lawyers, $10,000, and seven years of hell, my partner and I were still nowhere near a residency card but very near deportation and in panic. Our case was very complicated and unusual. We were to the point of no longer trusting anyone to get this application completed properly.  That is when we turned to Laura in desperation. She took over our cases, sorted through the huge mess and successfully submitted a proper application. Six months later, it all ended in tears… of joy! We were approved.

When it came time for renewal, as can sometimes happen, things got complicated again due to demands by Immigration and the bank. Once again, Laura straightened things out with her expert negotiating skills and professionalism. We consider Laura a friend, protector, and brilliant angel. I would never allow anyone else near our dealings with Immigration, as we still plan to apply for Permanent residency.

Robert MacKercher
Nuevo Arenal, Costa Rica

Allow me to be blunt & succinct…

A tad long but well worth the read. Trust me…

There should be only one of three reasons you don’t use the services of Ms. Gutierrez as your Immigration Representative: A) You are unaware of her. B) You enjoy masochism. C) You are content with the two capital Ds of the bureaucratic process… Delay & Disappointment! Period.

We signed up with Laura a mere 14 days before some of our ‘docs’ ran beyond their ‘shelf life.’ They were due to expire. Which, of course, means you return to square one and start over from scratch! Need I remind anyone how much fun it is to track down & then get authenticated obscure aspects of your personal history?

My wife Anna and I landed in this ‘one-of-a-kind’ country just a day before the potential of losing months of preparations that could vanish in the ensuing 24 hours. Our care and fate were entrusted to someone I had never met… Miss Laura. 

We sort of had confidence… just behind a juggernaut of anxiety! 

One ‘i’ not dotted, or one ‘t’ not crossed, and you’re abruptly dismissed from progressing further. Everything depended upon the expertise of a little gal we we would meet for the first time on a street corner in a big city we didn’t know to conduct business in a language we didn’t speak! All for a purpose that would greatly impact the upcoming years of our lives! Do you know the definition of feeling exposed & vulnerable? Let me tell you… it was that morning.

So, how’d it go?


Mind you, we had risen at 4 am the previous morning to fly all day to our ‘new land.’  Then, on ‘D-day’ at 5 am, we commenced a 4-hour ‘bounce’ from Arenal to the capital.


In the fog that displaced my cognition that morning, I left behind a crucial document, which, when revealed, seemed certain to abort the entire undertaking! And as previously mentioned, the timing was everything in my case! A pall of gloom fell over everyone… except Ms. Gutierrez. She forged ahead. At every stage, we met exactly your expected response: No. No. No… you may not advance.  The facial and body language of the gatekeepers all seemed to say: “Gringo, what don’t you get about this? Your ‘stuff’ is not right, so forget it. Come back when you get your “stuff” right, and we’ll look at your package then.  Requirements are requirements & procedures are procedures, and you must be dreaming big time… Out!


Well, of course, we were clueless about what Laura was saying in Spanish back to the people behind the desks, but the way it looked, she wasn’t having any of that chorus of rejection.  I sure did… NO generally means NO in any language. She persevered. One office after another, with us in tow, like delinquent children going to meet his ultimate fate at the principal’s office.


So, you may be asking yourself, what was the outcome of that fateful day in San Jose? Petite as she is, Miss Laura Gutierrez is a “force to be reckoned with.”  At the end of the day… I was in!!  Mind-boggling? Yes!  Incredible? Yes! In all likelihood, unheard of in the annals of Immigration bureaucracy tale telling… yes!


Believe it. In one day, my application was accepted!  Of course, to keep Miss Laura an honest woman, I had to return another day with the missing document. But that’s the long & the short of it… I was in!


Now, if you are a ‘doubting Thomas,’ you’re invited to come to visit me. I’ll introduce you to friends & neighbors who have been engaged in ‘the process’ for ages with tales of dismay and no beacon on the horizon… other than “it’s in the works” … for what Ms. G got done for Anna and me in essentially one business working day! (With one hand tied behind her back.)


Sadly, my Anna passed away a few years later, during which Laura guided us through two renewals of our DIMEX.


Now that the required seven years of residency are behind me, I have again retained Miss Laura to represent me in my pursuit of full Costa Rica Citizenship.


Do you think you can find a discount rate elsewhere?  I’m sure of it. The question is… are you good at roulette?  


Laura is authorized to provide my contact information should you need to hear the story ‘From the Horse’s Mouth.’ 

Todd Armen
Tronadora (Arenal) Costa Rica

I was fortunate enough to come across an acquaintance (named Robert M.) who told me “If you’re going to try and attain residency, let me get you in touch with Laura…she pulled off the impossible for me and my wife”. 

I was quite hesitant because I’d already had some preliminary discussion with my attorney in CR about attaining residency. 

Ultimately, I decided to take a chance and was keen on the idea of working with a specialist on this project.  Long story short, due to recent law changes in CR regarding investor’s visa eligibility, the subsequent legal document revisions needed (as a result) and the many certified document expiration dates, it took longer than I’d anticipated.  There are many ways of “spinning your wheels” with this rigorous process. 

Ahhhh – now I understand why I’ve come across so many aspiring residents, who’ve been “working towards” attaining residency for many many…YEARS! 

The bottom line:  Aside from having all the desired experience, professionalism, organization skills, rapport with key entities, responsiveness and realistic expectations, Laura also did an amazing job of helping me to stay on track throughout the process, be efficient (i.e. working smarter, not harder) and most importantly—to NOT give up!  

Lo aprecio mucho, Laura

Jack Haworth
Chandler AZ / Jaco, Costa Rica

Like so many things in Costa Rica, the residency process is complex—especially for someone who is not fluent in Spanish. Laura expertly guided me through the process in understandable, step-by-step, logical, and detailed instructions. (A rare thing in Costa Rica).

Laura was always available and responsive whenever I had questions or concerns.

As a result, I was calm and reassured throughout the process, and it was a very stress-free experience for me.

I completely and without reservation recommend Laura to anyone considering the residency process. She exceeded my expectations.

A great Job! Thank you, Laura!

Brenda, Eddie Tucker, and the boys
Uvita, Costa Rica

Hola Laura

A heartfelt thank you for your professional and efficient assistance through this entire process.  We could not have accomplished this without you.  Though we started out as strangers, we truly feel we have gained a new friend in you.

We sincerely do thank you for your kindness, warm embrace, and genuine concern for our family as a whole. 

Thanks again, Laura, for all that you do in helping to make expats like us dreams of a Costa Rican life come true.

Tim James BBA, MS, PhD, LCDR, US Navy (RET)
Winter Garden, Florida / Santa Ana, Costa Rica

Laura is the best of the best. She is above a ten on a 1 to 10 scale. 

I have highly recommended her to many of my friends. From our first discussion, I knew she fully understood the process and could provide the personal touch that I needed. 

Laura also considered all the accommodations needed for my fiancé from Costa Rica. 

In months of previous research before obtaining her services, the pricing from attorneys was outrageous and totally confusing. Laura’s process is smooth and understanding from beginning to end. 

I have to attest that the service rendered is much more than the price for service.  Her ability to place you in the right area, double-check your documentation, communicate with different departments, personal attention, kindness, warmth, understanding, and appointments is priceless. 

Laura, I salute you and your company for leading and assisting my family’s ultimate dream.

Muy Buen Trabajo Laura!  Pura Vida!!!

A gem of a person who truly cares.

My wife and I found Laura several years ago after vetting providers online. We really appreciated the initial phone interview with Laura, where she explained the process to us. From that day, we hired Laura, and with her system, we could obtain our temporary residency cards without any issue. Since then, Laura has also helped our parents get their temporary residency cards. We recently hired Laura again to help us obtain a Permanent Residency.  We were pleasantly surprised by how efficient and smooth the process went. Laura provided another very satisfying experience.

Tom and Robin Jung
Bolton Ontario / Delfines Costa Rica


Meg Gideon & Mike Inzitari
Heredia / Colorado

If you are moving to Costa Rica and looking for a trustworthy residency professional to shepherd you through the lengthy and tedious application process, look no further than Laura Gutierrez.

We’ve been visiting Costa Rica since 1990 and have engaged in many processes, such as purchasing property, selling vehicles, paying taxes, and opening bank accounts. With one of us being mostly fluent in Spanish, we were able to self-guide through many of these processes or vet lawyers for services we were not knowledgeable enough to handle on our own. 

When it came time to apply for Costa Rica residency, we knew we didn’t want a law firm that offered residency services as a small part of their practice. Rather, we needed an expert like Laura who is devoted exclusively to Costa Rican residency and citizenship transactions.

Working with Laura, we have found everything her current and former clients say to be true. Laura knows the minute details and nuances of the application process, including the best category of residency for your unique situation. She is extremely organized and detail oriented, from where to request your U.S. documents and getting them apostilled and translated, all the way to giving you a map that shows where you should (and shouldn’t!) park when she meets you at the immigration offices in San Jose to submit your application.

Ultimately, you will come to see that Laura is highly regarded by the staff at the immigration offices. When you are with her and see how everyone greets her, you feel like you are a welcomed insider as you breeze through your appointment and watch the officials stamp your documents as “accepted” on your first submission.

If they trust her brand, perhaps you should too.

Laura gets 5 stars from us!

Meg Gideon & Mike Inzitari

My work life was as a project manager. So when deciding whom we would entrust to
handle our residency process, we immediately felt at ease and trusted Laura to guide us
along this path. We could not have been more pleased with her attention to every detail
and level of clear communication. What could be a stressful process was not with Laura
at our side. Laura exceeded in every aspect and process along our path to residency. I
have finally met my match in triple checking! We did our initial phone interview when we
were still living stateside. We were fortunate to receive back all our documents before
our final move to Costa Rica, thus being ready to hand those original documents over to
Laura for our appointments. She is a genuine and sincere powerhouse working to
achieve the best outcome for her clients! We loved our ride to get here!

Thank you, Laura!

Sharon and Paul Sheppard
Nuevo Arenal, Costa Rica

Terry Williams and Margot Dorfman
Bahia Ballena (Uvita) , Costa Rica

Dear Laura,

Thank you for all your efforts. We encountered some strange and unforeseen obstacles. Thanks to your encouragement and persistent guidance, what could have derailed the entire process, turned into success. No way that we could have handled this on our own. You saw us right through to holding those DIMEX cards in hand. You were awesome!

Jenny and Ramani Rangan
Gloucester MA / Perez Zeledón, Costa Rica

Laura was fantastic in helping us apply for residency.

Our case was complicated because we were applying for Pensionado status with multiple pensions and name change documents from different countries. Every document was a Herculean effort, but Laura was patient and creative and helped us find solutions. Thanks to her thorough approach, government officials found no issues with our extensive paperwork, and our application was approved in 10 months.

We are incredibly grateful for Laura’s expertise and dedication throughout this challenging process. Without her assistance, we recognize that achieving our residency status would have been significantly more difficult, if not impossible.

Thank you, Laura!


Bob & Michelle Fair
White Rock, B.C., Canada / Tarcoles, Costa Rica

A few years ago, when the prospect of relocating closer to our grandchildren and applying for residency arose, we initially considered tackling the process on our own. However, upon hearing glowing recommendations for Laura Gutierrez from others who had navigated the same journey, we quickly realized that seeking her expertise was the wise choice.

Laura’s legal practice is exclusively dedicated to the residency process, making her an unparalleled expert in the field. From the outset, she guided us through the complexities of obtaining the necessary documents with clear and straightforward instructions.

Despite the intricacies of the Canadian system, which posed additional challenges compared to Apostille countries, Laura’s guidance made each step manageable. She “held our hands” with infinite patience every step of the way, and thanks to her support, everything proceeded seamlessly.

Recently, when it came time to renew our residency, Laura once again provided invaluable assistance. Her detailed instructions and unwavering support alleviated the stress of the process, ensuring a smooth and successful outcome.

We are deeply grateful for Laura’s expertise and dedication throughout our residency journey.

Thank you, Laura, for getting us our residency papers…..muy amable!”

Wes and Ruth Smith
Playa Hermosa, Guanacaste

Not having lived here very long and being weak in Spanish, we had concerns about the residency process and who to hire to represent us. Laura Gutierrez was recommended to us by a trusted local friend and expat of 18 years.

Thankfully, we acted on that advice.

The process for Costa Rican residency is comprehensive and has many fluid idiosyncrasies! We could never have accomplished what she did for us in such a short time.

She is a great listener and communicates well in English in a clear, congenial manner, even on the phone, which can be challenging. She held our hands through the entire process, which became complicated at one point due to unavoidable changes to our travel logistics.

Laura was always very steady and encouraging and anticipated each step of the process to prevent missteps on our part. When the time came for us to meet at the DGME (Immigration Center), we were amazed at how she quickly navigated to the Immigration intake staffer. Laura was elegant and well-received by the Immigration staff and many security officers.

She carefully managed the submission of our extensive packets of certified, verified, stamped, and signed documents – one at a time to ensure no errors. They were all successfully accepted and sent for final approval.

We are thrilled and know we could not have done it without Laura’s help.

We unreservedly recommend Laura Gutierrez for her personal and professional care of her clients. Follow her instructions to the letter and know she will get the job done, standing alongside you the whole way!

Pura Vida!

Wes and Ruth Smith,
Playa Hermosa, Guanacaste

Bryan Stuart and Teri Mathis
Tilaran, Arenal, Costa Rica

We decided to be guided by an expert. Laura Guitérrez guided us professionally for the time it took us to assemble all the documents. Along the way, our frequent clarification questions were given clear and timely responses. When it was time to present ourselves at the Immigration Office in San Jose, we met Laura there with our documents in hand. It was obvious that Immigration officials knew and respected her professionalism. It took only minutes for our Temporary Residency applications to be submitted with stamps of acceptance.

We were approved in nine months. (2023)

January 23, 2024: We now possess each of our DIMEX (residency) cards. So, two satisfied customers are glad we had the help of the best immigration specialist in Costa Rica. Thank you, Laura!!

Michael, Kelly & Carmela Calandrino
Brooklyn, New York / Samara, Costa Rica

My wife, seven year old daughter and I used Laura’s services to obtain Rentisa Residency, which can be somewhat difficult. We received a free telephone consultation from Brooklyn, NY and felt comfortable with Laura’s presentation, explanation of the process and rates. After hiring her to guide us through the residency process, Laura sent a detailed list of what was needed and was communicative in answering the questions we asked along the way.

We officially moved to Samara on August 31, 2021 with our residency appointment in San Jose on November 16th. As Samara is around a 4 and half hour drive from San Jose, we asked Laura do whatever she could to obtain the fingerprint appointment during the same trip, which had become more challenging due to Covid. Laura was able to secure us the required fingerprint appointment on November on 13th…a Saturday, which was incredibly convenient and saved us a lot of money with car rental and hotel fees which would have been necessary with a second trip to San Jose.

On the day of our immigration appointment, Laura really shined. We bypassed the lines outside and inside the immigration office, took a seat in front of the immigration officials and were called upon immediately. After 30 minutes, we were outside of the immigration office with our Expediente numbers in hand, and were able to stay in Costa Rica while our residencies were being processed for approval.

On August 23, 2022, Laura contacted us to let us know our residencies had been approved and provided details for the remaining final steps, including paying the necessary fees, signing up for the Caja (healthcare), submitting the paperwork and taking the cedula photo at the nearest Correo (post office).

We grateful to Laura for her professionalism, information, advice and communication in helping to navigate the residency process.

Pura Vida!
Michael, Kelly & Carmela Calandrino
Brooklyn , NY/Samara Costa Rica

Dennis and Dorothy Macaulay
Sunnyvale, California/Uvita, Costa Rica

After reading so many glowing testimonials on Laura’s website, I felt no need to search further. That positive assessment was borne out many times over the ensuing months as she patiently provided her expert guidance in applying for Temporary Residency. Her skill in guiding us through the process was amazing.

Three years later, she also guided us through our Permanent residency applications.

I wouldn’t dream of having anyone else in the country do this for us – and I highly recommend her services to anyone. She is the consummate professional – and to top it all off, she is so pleasant to work with.


Linnette Beck
Neuvo Arenal

Once I settled into my Costa Rica house on the hill, I realized I would never have that “at home” feeling without legal residency. As it happened, my next-door neighbors in Nuevo Arenal had already completed the process with Laura and could not praise her enough. When I met Laura in San Jose shortly after, she lived up to my neighbor’s high praise. I loved her persona, sense of humor, and communication style. It is concise and clear. After formally retaining her services, I ran into a snag when attempting to obtain the required bank letter from my U.S. bank. I was devastated. Laura patiently talked me “off the ledge” and offered further coaching on getting the bank to issue the letter. I returned to the bank with Laura’s “script” in hand, followed it, and to my surprise, I got the letter. And that from a bank whose policy it is not to issue them! The rest of the process was a breeze and following Laura’s submission of a perfectly prepared set of documents, I received my DIMEX card seven months later. It truly enhanced my lived experience here in many unexpected ways.

Two years later, I again encountered obstacles in preparation for my first DIMEX renewal. Once again, Laura calmly guided me through to a successfully renewed DIMEX card.

What began as a business relationship soon turned into a friendship between us. She is an unusual individual with a diverse background and very solid standards.

Thank you, Laura, for everything.

Brett & Karma Nelson
Flower Mound Texas/ Santa Cruz, Costa Rica

My wife and I hired Laura to help us with our desire to become residents of Costa Rica.  Laura did an amazing job of explaining the process, specifying what information we needed, where to get the information, what form the information needed to be in, and when we needed it by.  

The process took longer than expected due to Covid but Laura remained engaged and communicative with us during the delay. 

As a result,  we were ready to submit our application when the time arrived late September 2022.  Laura’s level of explanation removed any uncertainty about the process and we simply had to follow her detailed instructions to obtain the documents we needed to satisfy the submission process. 

Laura’s level of professionalism and communication exceeded my expectations. I highly recommend Laura for your immigration needs.


Brett Nelson Esq.
Flower Mound Texas/ Santa Cruz, Costa Rica.

Ken and Natalie Chilvers
Tamarindo, Costa Rica

Costa Rica is a beautiful, safe country populated with mostly friendly, honest, helpful people. 

However, the DGME (Department of Immigration) is frustratingly dysfunctional. We [wife and I] could not imagine attempting to become permanent residents on our own. The process is too chaotic. Expert help is a must. 

Enter Laura Gutierrez, immigration consultant. Fluently bilingual, Laura knows the ropes and is skilled in navigating through all the quirks and often irrational behaviors within the DGME (Immigration) offices. She is responsive, patient, well-organized, and very efficient. We highly recommend her. She has led us through the initial application for Temporary Residency, two renewals, and eventually, Permanent Residency.

Just stay mindful as you endure the process that Laura has nothing to do with the Department of Immigration’s policies or operations. Her only task is to get you your resident status regardless of the obstacles. Follow her expert lead and stay cool! 

Donald, Julie, Shawn and Julia Schneider
Washington State/Atenas, Costa Rica

We needed to coordinate our Costa Rica Residency Card application long distance from our home in Washington State. Worries about whom we were going to hire under these circumstances were laid to rest when a highly credible source recommended Laura.

Laura began by assisting us with getting a bank account prior to us having residency, which apparently is very difficult to do. Laura showed an unusual care and concern for our case – like it was her own family. She also kept us right up to date during the whole process and helped us co-ordinate our flight itineraries to best advantage. She even provided us with a lot of other very important and useful information about how to go about our business here in Costa Rica.

We so enjoyed her warm company.

Robert Shannon
Playa Ocotal, Guanacaste / Green Cove Springs, Florida

Laura’s website was the first I vetted. But I then moved on to another site because they had an office in the U.S. and Costa Rica. I contacted that site first, and when I got no reply after several days, I contacted Laura. She responded within hours.

After a brief back-and-forth questioning, we determined I was a good fit for her services. She soon had me on my way with clear, concise instructions to follow in preparation for the submission of my residency application. Three months later, I had obtained all the required documents for Laura to submit along with a perfectly prepared application. I found her a delight to work with, and very supportive and encouraging through some very serious personal challenges along the way. I received my first DIMEX (residency card) in November of 2021, and two years later, I completed my renewal with Laura’s help.

Given my experience, there is only one person you need to contact when you are ready to make your application.

Betty Hart
Parrita, Puntarenas, Costa Rica

I completed my residency process with Laura Gutierrez, and I can’t speak highly enough about her competence and the level of service she provided me. Since I am Canadian, she was recommended because she has lived in Canada and speaks English fluently. Until January of 2024, the process for Canadians was much more complicated than for Americans. So, all the more reason to choose her. I am very grateful that I did. Residency is her expertise, and it is all she does, unlike a lawyer who deals with many other things.

I don’t do all that well with bureaucracy. As a result, I am sure I was one of her more “trying” clients, needing extra assistance every step of the way. But she showed me infinite patience and led me through it all with added encouragement. I could never have done this on my own. I would recommend Laura to anyone, any time.

Thank you, Laura

Marny Pavelka and Bill Oset
Samara, Costa Rica

My husband and I have owned property in Costa Rica for several years and have wanted to become Costa Rica residents. We talked to several lawyers along the way about residency and also spoke with Ex-pats that were in the process of residency. 

The lawyers we talked to did not seem well versed in the residency process, and the Ex-pats we spoke to have been waiting years to achieve residency and, as of this writing, are still waiting.

We were very fortunate to have found Laura Gutierrez, a Residency Specialist. In other words, Residency and Citizenship are all she does. She is organized, expedient, and transparent regarding the entire Residency adventure. She clearly outlined the process for us and gave us a checklist with exact and understandable instructions that we completed within a matter of months.

Laura submitted our applications in February of 2023. On November 27, 2023 (nine months later), we were holding our DIMEX cards in hand.

Meeting Laura was a pleasure; we would have been lost without her precise guidance. We are so grateful to have found her. We highly recommend Laura to anyone applying for Residency in Costa Rica. She’s the best.

Brandy Murrey
Las Vegas/Tamarindo Costa Rica

Laura demonstrated professionalism and friendliness throughout the entire process, from start to finish. We efficiently completed the entire procedure within a short timeframe without encountering any issues.

I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to collaborate with Laura on this journey. She ensured a seamless and enjoyable experience.

I highly recommend her services to anyone in need of assistance with the residency process, as her expertise is evident.

Thank you immensely, Laura, for your outstanding support.

Micaela Grantham
Arenal, Costa Rica

After only nine months, I received my cedula and am now a legal resident of Costa Rica. I am deeply honored and proud to be part of this incredible and welcoming country.

This would not have been possible without Laura Gutierrez. She is an absolute force of nature. I do not have enough superlatives in my vocabulary to describe how wonderful it was to work with her. I only had to meet with her once in San Jose. All other transactions and communication were via e-mail or telephone.  She made everything easy and efficient. I would not hesitate for one second to recommend her to anyone seeking residency in Costa Rica.

Richard Skyra
San José, Costa Rica

Laura is by far the most professional and thorough person I have had the pleasure of dealing with in my 15 years of experience in Costa Rica.

My case was not straight forward. It involved documents and multiple trips from between three countries, covid related interruptions to logistics and other personal issues. Lots of changes on the fly.

Laura had the solutions and associates in the USA that assisted where necessary. She was prompt and thorough in her responses to my many communications.

You’ll be the best hands with Laura to fulfill your dream of Costa Rica Living!

Richard Skyra
San José, Costa Rica

Joni & Tom Moore
Nicoya, Costa Rica

You are definitely in good hands when you have Laura guiding your every step. She gives in clear, understandable detail, everything you need to have on hand before your first visit to Immigration.

Thanks to Laura’s understandable directions, we had all our required paperwork in order. Along with applications she had prepared, she presented our documents to Immigration face to face with intake staff… one document at a time. It was all accepted the first time through. As a result, we got our temporary residency number on our first visit.

Laura has been specializing in this field for many years. She knows the staff at immigration and they know her, which is a plus when you are only a stranger to them among hundreds waiting in line. After the wait for residency applications approvals, there remains the process of getting registered at CAJA and getting your final Residency card made. Laura also guided us through that with clarity. Everything that was in Laura’s power to do, she helped all go smoothly.

We highly recommend her services if you want to go about this painlessly.

Bravo Laura! Joni and Tom Moore, Nicoya, Costa Rica.

Brenda Faw & Joyce Tuttle
Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica

Hola dear Laura… today Joyce and I had the best experience at the Correo de Costa Rica in Limón obtaining our Cedula for residency. We believe it went so smoothly because of the excellent service you provided to ensure that everything was in good order.

You are amazing at what you do – you were always there for us and we could not have chosen a better residency specialist for this process. We can not thank you enough for all that you have done for us…truly… we could not have done this without you and we so appreciate you. Big Hugs and Big Gratitude.

Best Regards and With Much Respect

Brenda Faw and Joyce Tuttle
Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica

Jackie & Bob Van Deventer
Bahia Ballena, Costa Rica

A hearty thank-you to Laura from Bob & I for getting us through the residency process all the way to cards in hand.

From the beginning, Laura helped us. When we thought we needed to move back to the states, Laura gave us back our money. When circumstances changed, she welcomed us back and we resumed the residency process. Laura answered my many questions with thoroughness and patience. What I especially appreciated and admired about Laura was her constant encouragement.

Even after we obtained out cards, Laura continued to answer questions about ancillary things which she really did not have to. Bob & I are so excited that we stayed with pursuing our residency. I have been so relieved and happy.

Thank you Laura, so much!