March 27, 2024 License Validity Update


I recently published an update on extending entry visas to Costa Rica from 90 to 180 days. Great news that had been long-awaited. (decades).

I also mentioned that through strenuous urging by the Costa Rica Ministry of Tourism, the Costa Rica government is working with the Transportation Ministry to liberalize the validity of foreign driver’s licenses to accommodate tourists and foreign residents better. IE: Eliminate the need for onerous border runs to keep licenses valid – not just in the case of the new 180-day visas – but under other various conditions as well.

A proposal was crafted through the initiative of the ICT (Ministry of Tourism) and presented by Deputy Congresswoman Carolina Delgado Ramirez. (Expediente (Case) # 23.940). 

The entire preamble and proposed law were also presented in the government publication La Gaceta on October 12, 2023. New proposals must be published in La Gaceta to allow for any legitimate challenge.

Here are the main PROPOSALS of interest to the majority of readers. 

Any foreign driver’s license would be deemed valid for much more extended periods, depending on legal status. 

  1. If you are here as a tourist on a 180 visa stamp, then your foreign driver’s license will remain valid for 180 days. (Maximum visa length). The same goes for any visa stamp for fewer days. 
  2. Digital Nomads will continue to enjoy validity for foreign driver’s licenses for the entire year from the date of their approval. 
  3. If you applied for legal residency, your driver’s license would remain valid until you are approved and receive the DIMEX card. You would no longer need to make any more border runs to keep your license valid.
  4. Once your application for legal residency is approved, you will then be able to homologate your foreign driver’s license. (Convert to a Costa Rica driver’s license). The current 91-day waiting period following the issuance of the DIMEX (residency) card would no longer be required. You would be free to apply for a Costa Rica driver’s license after receiving those cherished DIMEX (residency) cards. 


The current President of the Costa Rica Legislature, Rodrigo Arias (brother of Oscar Arias), recently introduced the bill detailed above. The fact that top member Arias handled this bill indicates a serious intent for change.

The Legislative Assembly has passed the bill in its initial reading. A final vote is pending, scheduled for the first week of April, immediately following Easter week, also known as Semana Santa.

Following this vote, the new law must be published in the official government news publication, La Gaceta. If no valid objections are raised within 30 days, the bill will officially become law.

In essence, by early May, your foreign driver’s license will be valid for the same duration as your most recent 180-day passport visa stamp or until the approval of your residency application, regardless of how long the latter may take.

Furthermore, this new law will facilitate the homologation of your foreign driver’s license without the previous requirement of waiting 91 days. Once you obtain your new DIMEX (residency card), you can convert your valid foreign driver’s license into a Costa Rican one, valid for up to 10 years.

In the meantimeuntil you hear otherwise…

Your foreign licenses remain valid for only 90 days.

Types of police vehicles in Costa Rica

There are different types of police and police vehicles here in Costa Rica. The dark blue pick-ups, as pictured below, are the Transit Police, who handle traffic issues. (They also show up on motorcycles and in a few white SUV’s for supervisory personnel. Also pictured below). 

Always carry a copy of your passport and your foreign driver’s license with you. If you are driving your own vehicle, also be prepared to show proof of ownership and insurance. Or the same for a rental. IE: Be fully prepared to respond affirmatively to: “License, and ownership, please.”
